Category: News


After the incessant rain interrupted only by the occasional frosty start it has
been a difficult finish to 2022 and start to 2023. We are therefore behind
where we want to be as far as preparation of the green is concerned and it will
take a real push and some better weather to be ready for our Opening Day on
15 th April. Thanks to our Fixture Secretary we have a full programme of league
and friendly matches and I hope that all members will make themselves
available for selection.
As always we will be looking for help as we get into March to do those jobs
that are easier with more labour not only on the green but on the site and
particularly the surrounds and gardens where work has continued since we
closed in September.
The club house will require its annual clean as we get nearer to April and again
volunteers are important and it shouldn’t be left solely to committee
All existing members are asked to do what they can to promote the sport and
the club to all friends and family so that we can increase membership and
remain sustainable and viable.

Lostwithiel Bowls Club presents Charity Cheque

After a very successful Annual Charity Day in August, albeit with slightly
reduced entrants, we raised £1,000 for Cornwall Hospice Care; the cheque
presentation was made on our last club day of the season. Thanks to all players
from many clubs in Cornwall and even some from Plymouth who travelled for
the day and all those who provided the wonderful food, ran the raffle and
made sure the matches ran to time and in the correct order.
The photographs show our Chairman Richard Read making the cheque
presentation to Carrie Richards representing the charity and some of the club
members holding the cheque.

Lostwithiel Bowls Club AGM

Remember to attend your bowls club AGM which is being held on 10th Oct 2022 starting at 7.15pm. Venue – at the bowls club !

A copy of the agenda can be found under the members page tab. Also under the same tab you can refresh your memories of what was said at the 2021 AGM.

2022 EBCL Finals Day


Our finals day was hosted very well by our President Chris Dimond and Lostwithiel BC. Prior to any games being played a minutes silence was held as a mark of respect to our late Queen Elizabeth II.

The weather on the day was dull and overcast with the odd burst of sunshine but still attracted many supporters who witnessed some very good standards of bowling leading to the following results: 

‘Cornish Times Singles’   – Winner – John Kelly. (Callington) 21 – Runner Up Mike Medlen. (Looe) 9.

‘Spencer – Davey Pairs’  – Winners – Glyn Coggon & John Kelly (Callington) 24 – Runners Up – Nigel Williams & Phillip ‘Morley’ Tubb (Lostwithiel) 14.       

‘Couch Triples’   – Winners – Barry Stephens, Dave Lawrence & Stuart Mitchell. (Torpoint) 13 – Runners Up – Bernie Dyer, Nick Trewin & Peter Prynne. (Kensey Vale) 11.     


‘Dennis Fours’ – Winners – Barry Stephens, Derrick Hunt, Dave Lawrence & Stuart Mitchell (Torpoint) 17-   Runners Up – Kevin Harvey, Steve Ball, Jim Ashton & Mike Day. (Saltash) 15. 


The winning players were presented with the designated trophy together with an individual engraved glass and certificate to mark their achievements with all runners up players receiving certificates.  

As a final note: This year saw the best number of entries to the competitions for a number of years with an age range of between 8 to over 80 years.

My thanks to all clubs for supporting the competitions this year.

The food for the day was much appreciated by all and thanks go to Janet Lostwithiel’s Catering Supervisor and helpers Penny and Jackie to Ruth who made the excellent bacon and egg pie and pasties and to other members who made the tasty desserts all served with local cream.

Roger Ellard 

Secretary ECBL       

Opening of Lostwithiel Bowling Green

It was a real pleasure when early in January two former players at the club agreed, covid allowing, to a request from the committee to open the green for the 2022 season.
On Saturday 16th  April, a lovely sunny day and perfect for bowls , Pat Rigby and Mollie Mallet performed the ceremony surrounded by existing members and also some other former members who had come to support and catch up on old times with a cup of tea and biscuit. It was great to see all of them. A big thank you also to Carol Williams, another former player, who organised the logistics to ensure that our guests were collected and arrived on time.
After the ceremony players got a feel for the green before we all had an excellent faith tea.

The photograph shows Mollie and Pat with Club Chairman Richard Read