Category: News

New additional to our garden, donated by Jenny Macdonald a former member of the club

I expect, like me, you know the newcomer to the bowls club garden as a Cornish Palm but it’s proper name is Cordyline Australis Verde.
It’s a great home for it was bought for Sid Brown’s new garden but never planted.   So it remained in a large pot in mine till it’s roots became uncomfortable.    Sid and I both bowled at Lostwithiel for a number of years and know how often it is admired as one of the prettiest settings in the county, not to mention also one of the best greens.

A Mixed start to the Season.

Let us first start with the weather which has certainly been
changeable with the occasional nice day interspersed with some
heavy and persistent rain-not the weather most of us want to play or
watch bowls in.
We have unfortunately had two of our male members involved in
falls and we wish them both well and speedy recoveries.
On the playing front the men’s A team has had a good start winning
all three of their games and the B team have recently had their first
win with a 5-0 win away from home.
The mixed Millennium team also had good wins on all rinks away at
Callington and now progress to the next round at Kensey Vale.
We are still in need of some more new players as our Taster Days
were not as successful as we would have hoped despite the
significant local advertisements. If you are looking for an opportunity
to play bowls then contact the club through this web site; you will be
made most welcome.

A note from our Greenkeeper

The green workers in unison.
Despite the still very wet weather, we have been flooded three times
in the past two weeks, any time the weather is dry and preferably
sunny our green team have to take advantage to produce a decent
bowling green for National, County, League games and our own
We really need a few weeks of good sunshine in order to have a dry
green that will play well-we can only wish and have our irrigation
system ready in case we swing completely to a hot dry summer as
we have had in the past two years.


Although we could not use the green despite the efforts of the
greenkeeper and his fantastic team of helpers in the end the weather
beat us. However we were pleased that the Mayor of Lostwithiel,
who also happens to be one of our top lady bowlers, Karin
Henderson formally opened the green and managed to bowl the first
wood of the season after being welcomed by our Chairman Richard
After getting all the paperwork in order and sorting out teams for the
upcoming friendlies and practice matches we were able to sit down
to an excellent faith tea-thank you to all who provided the
The green team are confident, based on the weather forecast, that
the green will be ready for the Taster Days next Saturday and Sunday
and are hopeful for some new members who have the advantage of
a considerable discount on the current annual fee.

Another season Approaches

With only nine weeks to go before the start of the 2024 outdoor
season the wet weather seems set in for a few more weeks limiting
the amount of time we can spend on the green. From my records
this is at least the third very wet autumn/winter in a row and it looks
like we will have another year with very hot weather during one of
our summer months; a situation we will have to get used to as our
global climate changes.
Hopefully all our current members will rejoin but we are always
looking for new members, men and ladies, both ones who have
played before and new members to the sport who will attend our
annual Taster Days in late April. Both classes of member are entitled
to a reduction in annual fees for their first year and bowls are always
available to get you going -so it doesn’t have to be an expensive
sport but one you can keep doing in your old age.
Lostwithiel has one of the most picturesque grounds in the county
located in the Fowey valley surrounded by farm and wood lands with
an excellent club house, car park and dedicated committee.
We look forward to welcoming you to the club.


After the incessant rain interrupted only by the occasional frosty start it has
been a difficult finish to 2022 and start to 2023. We are therefore behind
where we want to be as far as preparation of the green is concerned and it will
take a real push and some better weather to be ready for our Opening Day on
15 th April. Thanks to our Fixture Secretary we have a full programme of league
and friendly matches and I hope that all members will make themselves
available for selection.
As always we will be looking for help as we get into March to do those jobs
that are easier with more labour not only on the green but on the site and
particularly the surrounds and gardens where work has continued since we
closed in September.
The club house will require its annual clean as we get nearer to April and again
volunteers are important and it shouldn’t be left solely to committee
All existing members are asked to do what they can to promote the sport and
the club to all friends and family so that we can increase membership and
remain sustainable and viable.

Lostwithiel Bowls Club presents Charity Cheque

After a very successful Annual Charity Day in August, albeit with slightly
reduced entrants, we raised £1,000 for Cornwall Hospice Care; the cheque
presentation was made on our last club day of the season. Thanks to all players
from many clubs in Cornwall and even some from Plymouth who travelled for
the day and all those who provided the wonderful food, ran the raffle and
made sure the matches ran to time and in the correct order.
The photographs show our Chairman Richard Read making the cheque
presentation to Carrie Richards representing the charity and some of the club
members holding the cheque.