Greenkeepers Update 18th Sept 2020

As we near the end of a very different season with little evidence of significant
wear on the green it is now time to close the green and consider the Autumn
Programme of work that needs to be carried out.
The challenge set out at the start of the season, when the future of any bowls
being played was questionable, was to maintain a surface that could easily and
quickly be made playable whilst keeping social distancing between green
workers and reducing expenditure in line with expected revenues. As time
went by and restrictions were lifted it was evident that a small proportion of
the membership wanted to play and therefore the green had to be made
suitable although not up to normal match quality. My decision at the time, to
reduce expenditure was to cut to 7.00mm and, if feasible, to only cut once a
week and reduce nitrogen feeds by at least 70%. As the summer progressed if
was evident that we needed to cut twice a week as growth was strong, cover
for holiday and an unfortunate quarantine and for that I thank Adrian and Roy
who took on the task. Thanks also to Dave and Brian who kept an eye on the
machines when necessary. My daily brushers should be remembered as the
job they do is important in minimising disease.
It is sometimes forgotten that our grass surrounds also need looking after as
weeds/disease can easily be transferred onto the green-thanks to Badger with
Adrian’s help and also for developing a new garden at the far side known
affectionally as “Badger’s End”.

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