Message from our treasurer

To All Members

An update as to our financial position:

As of today 41 members have paid the asked for subscription to help us through to April 21.
I have agreed a monthly reduction of £ 41 with edf from our direct debit.
Water is paid by meter reading so will be low to non existent
I asked, when paying our rent, to bear in mind we will not be earning any income before the
next rent is due ( watch this space )
Chris is making savings to the green costs both for this summer and into the autumn.
Following an email from Cornwall Bowls I have applied to Sport England for a grant to help
cover our expenses through this summer, mainly green costs, will wait to see if we are
So in summary I am convinced we will be in a position to carry on as a club following the
enforced lockdown but at the beginning the position was very doubtful, the members by
paying their subs. have guaranteed the future.



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