Preparations Under Way

As we approach our Opening Day of Saturday 16th April 2022 many members of your committee and other volunteers have been and are busy in all areas to ensure that the season can start successfully on time. Your committee will no doubt be meeting in February to finalise many last minutes details.

Your secretariat has been working all winter to ensure that we are answering all enquiries from Bowls Cornwall and that our fixture list is compiled and printed with not only league matches but friendlies and other county/national fixtures.
Your volunteer gardeners are busy as normal removing weeds from the flower beds, pruning where necessary and applying top dressing as well as keeping the grass surrounding the green cut and moss free. If you have any shrubs which you no longer require at home then give Badger a call or leave them down the club as they will all be given a good home and add some more interest to the new beds.
You will all notice changes inside and outside the club house as a team of volunteers have been decorating and making the building  more inviting. We have moved both lockers and some notice boards into the changing rooms and plans to create a bar area are well underway.
Finally a thank you to all the volunteers who continue to help on the green either brushing in the mornings, servicing and repairing the machines, cutting, aerating and spraying and many of the activities which go unnoticed. The concept that some have of “putting the green to bed during the winter months” is not realistic especially in areas such as Cornwall where grass and moss continue to grow and disease spread for most of the winter.
Volunteers in all areas would be welcomed-just contact any member of the committee.

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